Tribal One upgrades technology on two dredges for USACE Portland District
North Bend, Ore. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District (USACE) awarded two contracts to Tribal One Construction (T1 Construction, LLC) to provide cable plant upgrades on two mission critical dredges.
The vessels, the hopper dredges Essayons and Yaquina, routinely serve waterways throughout Oregon, Washington, California, and at times serve Hawaii, Alaska and the Mississippi River. The district includes 10 deep draft ports, 12 shallow draft ports and 12 large-scale jetty systems.
“Tribal One’s main office sits along one of the deep draft ports in the Portland District, and we have come to appreciate the work these vessels do to preserve navigation in the Pacific Northwest,” said Tribal One Development CEO Brady Scott. “We look forward to taking on this responsibility to improve day-to-day operations on Essayons and Yaquina.”
Both vessels require replacement of their digital cable plants to ensure compliance with current network infrastructure standards. This will require upgrading all Ethernet cabling to Gigabit Ethernet (Category 6) cables and installing the appropriate equipment to create new digital pathways and manage the new cabling system.
Work on the two vessels is in process.
About the Dredges
The Yaquina was delivered to the Portland District in 1981 and helps to maintain the entrance bars, rivers and harbors on the coasts of Oregon, California and Washington. The smaller of the two vessels, its size allows it to dredge the small, shallow coastal entrances and smaller, shifting sand deposits in river channels.
The Essayons was delivered to the Portland District in 1983 and helps to maintain the entrance bars, rivers and harbors on the coasts of California, Oregon, Hawaii, Alaska and, in emergencies, the Mississippi River. Because of its size and dredging depth, the Essayons is particularly well-suited for dredging the larger coastal entrances and larger volume sand deposits in river channels.
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Tribal One Construction (T1 Construction, LLC) is a 100% Native American tribally owned, SBA 8(a) certified firm that serves government clients from its North Bend, Oregon corporate office and from its satellite office in Centennial, Colorado. Tribal One businesses fulfill government contracts in the construction and communications technology sectors.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District has one of the nation’s most comprehensive and diversified civil works programs. Covering most of Oregon and southwestern Washington, the District operates locks and dams along the Columbia River, manages dams in the Willamette Valley for flood

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